Wednesday, May 04, 2005

an evening along the river

along the shallow river
pebbles played hide and seek
with the lengthening shadows of dusk

the loud sound of the river
bellied its small stature
and the magnificent mahseer that swam underneath

dark shadows on the surface of earth
contrasted highly with the dying embers
of the sun, setting behind the silent sal trees

a lone pied kingfisher
dived one last time for supper
before retiring for the night

a low rumble followed by a roar
sounded the alarm calls
of barking deer

and i bent over to kiss your warm mouth
aglow with remnants of an afternoon nap
to take you in my arms, to love


erratica said...
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erratica said...

dark shadows on the surface of earth
contrasted highly with the dying embers

and i bent over to kiss your warm mouth
aglow with remnants of an afternoon nap...........

i liked the imagery that u have used, its vivid

ani sharma said...

thanks...i liked the story your photography prof told you...

Arun said...

Outstanding. Is the image also done by you? If it is, I have a question: do you do copies of your poems with the images on a single sheet and sign them? What does it take to get one of these from you?

ani sharma said...

yes i try and sometimes i do the image first and then write...but life, like you say, is always about margins are forever changing [without my knowledge or effort].

...if you will

Brown fringed minutes Slip through my fingers Faster than I try To hold on to them. Already, I am a minute closer to the end. Devasta...