Tuesday, August 16, 2005

the flight

come, let's fly to the moon together
wing to wing, dream to dream.

let's drift
to touch her scarred cheeks
glowing silver
with an inflated love unrequited for unaccountable time.

let's swim back through space
to embrace the infinite universe
and submerge in puffs of clouds.

i believe i can fly,
if you just as much as caress my nape
and utter my name in a sigh.

wake me up
when i want to dive deep down in the dark waters
all of my life swiftly expunged
because as you know too well
i may fly, but swim i cannot.


ani sharma said...

many thanks for the info

Sinoj Mullangath said...

Hey Ani! Saw your comment on my page. Sorry to write late. Been busy, but I do visit your poems once in a while. Some of them really touch my mind. Cheers!

Arun said...

Time to go and reset the comments options for your blog, or you'll keep getting this spam.

...if you will

Brown fringed minutes Slip through my fingers Faster than I try To hold on to them. Already, I am a minute closer to the end. Devasta...